Avalgujabeejadi Choornam - Ashtanga

₹ 80 / Bottle


Avalgujabeejadi Choornam is an Ayurvedic herbal powder traditionally used for external application in the treatment of skin conditions like leukoderma (vitiligo). It is typically applied by mixing the powder with cow urine or water to form a paste, which is then applied to the affected areas. Due to its potent nature, it should only be used under strict medical supervision.



Ashta Choornam, on the other hand, is a different Ayurvedic formulation used to stimulate appetite and aid in digestive disorders. It is composed of various herbs and is typically taken internally.


If you're interested in purchasing Ashta Choornam, it is available from various Ayurvedic suppliers. For instance, Sitaram Ayurveda offers a 50g package of Ashta Choornam.


Please ensure that you consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before using these products to determine their suitability for your specific health needs.